1863, Abstracts of buy Magnetic Observations Made at the Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, Canada West
buy Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory (Toronto, Ont.). Abstracts of Magnetical Observations Made at the Magnetical Observatory, Toronto, Canada West, During the Years 1856 to 1862, Inclusive and During Parts of the Years 1853, 1854, and 1855. Toronto: Lovell and Gibson, 1863. pp. xx, 94. 4to. Marbled card covers held together with black duct tape. Edgewear. Two bookplates to front pastedown, one reading "Presented by Order of the University of Toronto, to the Library of McGill College Montreal, G.T. Kingston, Director of the Observatory," the other showing the McGill College crest and reading "Class C No. 3388 Library of McGill College, Montreal. 1864." Minor spotting to pages; good. Hardcover.
Introduction by G.T. Kingston. (#065883)$85.00 USD
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