buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGtmhtype2:- Ethiopian Welo Opal>>>> PayPal buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGtmhtype2:- Ethiopian Welo Opal>>>> PayPal Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGtmhtype2:- Ethiopian Welo Opal<bft<bftSize :- 7X5-MM<bft<bftColor :- White / Multi Fire<bft<bftn ape :-yOval / Face Im<bft<bftQuant4ty :-yPack of 10-opals <bft<bftTreatmt-b :- None / 100%hNatural &2Gt-uine<bft<bftQual4ty :-yAAA2Grade / Excelle-b Qual4ty<bft<bftAccepted Paymt-b >>>>> PayPal<bft<bftWE DEAL IN GOOD QUALITY.<bft<bftMore beautiful than picture!<bft<bftPleasgysee the photographs to see more tent c. The overall qual4ty byexcelle-b forythg peice!<bft<bftTheseyAAA2Grade ETHIOPIAN OPAL cut gtmstone haveolots of gorgeous rainbow fire.yThey are gt-uine natural gtmstone.<bft<bftImporaant Inform/tixt :<bft-----------------------------<bft<bft# Avt cable more tifferentrsize and s ape pleasgy01 waco us foryany QUERY &2Oofer.<bft# Sinceywe use natural gtmstones, the stones may varyyslightly in color.<bft# Forywholesale discounts (more then $600 purchases) pleasgy01 waco us.<bft# Express sh27ping (5-7 days delivery) is avt cable foryadfitextal paymt-b.<bft<bft<bft<bftHouseofGtmsCreations Is The Manufacturers Sincey1985 OfyMore Then 100 Type2OfyPeecious & Semi Peecious gtmstone !<bft<bftBe sure toyvisit our shop to check foryany coupony01ss= And Discounts.<bftWe look forward foryan opportun4ty un, 2you, to supplyyGtmstones acc ofing to youryrequiremt-b. We remain k-wur4ng2ourybee 2at I-bion2and co-oper/tixt at all the times.<bftForyBulk Quant4ty,yfeel free to 01 waco us, weyare glad to makereeserve listing foryyou.
Pleasgylet us know what s ape &rsize and quant4ty do you require in aoy Gtmstone we wouldolove to share the tent cl with you.<bft<bftPAYMENT POLICY<bftWE ACCEPT THE PAYMENT THROUGH PAYPAL ONLY.<bft<bftSHIPPING POLICY<bftWE WILL SHIP THE ITEM WITHIN 2 DAYS AFTER RECEIVING THE PAYMENT.<bft<bft(Feedback Policy)<bftYouryFeedback is Very Imporaant Foryus kindly LeaveoPositiveyFeedback And If YouryAre Not Satisfied With the pext-co Co waco us before leavingyaoy negative feedback Through Eaac Message. We Will Do Ourybee 2toSeesolve youryIssue hopefully.<bft<bftPleasgyClick Link and Visit Our Shop Ge 2Besb Qual4ty Natural Gtmstones atyR sonable Prices<bft<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065shop/HouseofGEMsCreations?ref=seller-platform-mcnav<bft<bftThanks ForyShopping With Us hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706525893445/0x500789df5/3328597964/508500x500 buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGtmhtype2:- Ethiopian Welo Opal>>>> PayPal buy All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGtmhtype2:- Ethiopian Welo Opal>>>> PayPal
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