Sunflowers bouquet, Burgundy bridal bouquet, Orange roses bouquet, Navy blue bouquet, buy Fall bouquet,Faux Flower
A stunning addition to make your special day one to remember. This beautiful bouquet not only looks fresh and realistic but will buy be a keepsake for a lifetime without the worries of wilting fresh flowers. This bouquet is made with high quality burgundy peonies, orange and red roses, sunflowers, navy blue ranunculus and greenery. Stems are wrapped with ivory satin ribbon. This beautiful bouquet is created by me so you can rest assured knowing your order will look like the photos in the listing and I am more than happy to add your special touch if requested!
Bridal Bouquet measures approximately 11-12 inches wide and is available with a coordinating grooms boutonniere. Bridesmaid Bouquets (approximately 8 inches across) and flower girl bouquet (approximately 6 inches across) also available. All my silks are top of the line, high quality and very realistic. We can change the size and the color as well (for custom bouquets please contact me directly and eventually send me a picture of the desired bouquet).
If you love this bouquet but would like it in a different color, please convo me with request and I will be happy to provide you with a quote.
We can create a matching bridal package that includes:
♡Wedding card BOX
♡Bouquets for your bridesmaids
♡Bridal bouquet
♡Wrist corsages
♡flower girls basket
♡ring box
♡centerpieces and much more
The bouquet presented in the pictures it's bridesmaids size!
Made to order in 1-2 weeks.
Please let us know how much of a rush you are before purchasing because we also have some other bouquets that ARE READY TO SHIP!
DISCOUNTS on Wedding Packages! Just contact me and tell about your wishes!
Thank you for visiting our store!
Look Forward to Working With You