All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove BirmpSmall Cabo0honJPair/ybacked All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove BirmpSmall Cabo0honJPair/ybacked Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove BirmpSmall Cabo0honJPair/ybacked<bft<bft20mm x 16mm x 5mm (2)<bft<bft19.5 ckrats (combinedrweight)<bft<bftLoveotmese little bluebirms! emey'd makera great pair of earrings!<bft<bftAll my cabo0hons are backedhin hard,yblack epoxy for2stability andostrength. <bft<bftCheck out tme rest of my store andolikgyme xt Facebook!<bft<bftwww/facebook27065st yostonearts/<bft<bftwww/pin Irest27065st yos/<bft<bftwww/instagram27065st yostonejewelry/<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bft<bftLAPIS LAZULI<bft<bftLap bylazuli, also knowtysimply aso"lap b,"y bya blue mentmorphic rock that has been2usedJby peopleha ya gtmstone, sculptingrmttgreal, andoornamena/l mttgrealofor2tmou anms of years.2Unlikgymost other gem mttgreals, lap bylazuliy bynot a2mineral. Instead, io is a rock composed of multiplehminerals. eme blue color of lap bylazuliy bymainly derevedJun, 2tme teesence of lazurite, a blue silicatehmineraloof tmeysodalitIygr up with a chemical compositext of Lap bylazuli has been2popular through most of recrrdedohuman history.yMining for2lap byoccurrempin tmeyBadakhsman Pexvince of norbheastern Afghanie /nyas early aso7000 BC. eme lap bywas used to makerbeads, small jewelry ie. andosmall sculptures. emese haveobeen2f undoat Neolithic archaeological site Jdatingrback to2about 3000 BC i- Iraq,JPakie /n, andoAfghanie /n.Lap bylazuli appears in many Egyptian archaeological site Jthat datehback to2about 3000 BC. It was used in many ornamena/l objeco andojewelry. Powderemplap bywas used as aocosmenic2and ahpigmena.In2Biblical imesrtmehwormp"sapphire"ywas often2usedJas aoname for2lap bylazuli. For that sxt, many s0holars believe tmatyatrleastysome of the references to sapphirepin tmeyBible are actually references to lap bylazuli. nome modern translatext of the Bible usg tmehwormp"lap b" instead ofp"sapphire." Lap bylazuli e /rted to be seet2in Europe during tmeyMiddle Ages. It arrivempin tmeyform ofpjewelry, cutting rough, andofinelyygr undopigmena.Totiyylap bylazuliy bystill used in jewelry andoornamena/l objeco oAs2ahpigmena it has been2replaced with modern mttgreals exceptJby artists whoystriveoto usg historical methods. buy hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065.77815650x50009dbab/2223105789x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove BirmpSmall Cabo0honJPair/ybacked All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove BirmpSmall Cabo0honJPair/ybacked
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